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An interesting or inspiring sequence Homework #1 Algorithms for Biological Sequence Analysis Instructor: Kun-Mao Chao TA: Yi-Ching Chen 2008/10/01 回文詩 盧子彬 生醫電資博二 Source: 類同於 ‘可以清心也’ 的回文方塊詩,且在中外都有一樣的作品,右方的是古羅馬詩人維吉爾所作,其意思為「播種的人,很難抓穩他的手推車」 /question/239094.html?fr=qrl /virgo2693/article/3945997 蕙若蘭織錦回文璇璣圖 (圖見下頁) 在搜尋回文詩見到此首號稱中文回文詩的大成,其內容是由29*29的方陣構成,可以有無數種的念法,其中包括三言、五言、七言等等,讀法因人而異,唐代據其《織錦回文記》說,可讀詩二百餘首,但讀法失傳。宋代,因原詩色彩脫落,迷其句讀,均不過百首。黃庭堅曰“千詩織就回文錦”,也未能讀到千首。到了明孝時起道人把璇璣圖分解為七個分圖,讀詩達三千五百七十二首。後來康萬民讀詩達四千二百零六首,乾隆四十六年,扶風知事熊家振修的扶風縣,言其讀詩達九千九百五十八首。今尚無定數。 於此與大家分享這首詩。 Source: http://kwai_22./index.php?op=ViewArticlearticleId=1013735 /virgo2693/article/3945997 Prion Protein (p27-30) Do you know what it means? Dwwdfn dw gdzq Attack at dawn Every letter of the alphabet is shifted up 3 places One of the first ciphers is due to Julius Caesar Source: cryptography course 廖鳳玉 Three Interesting Sequences Find the characteristics of the following three sequences and then figure out: What is the next member of the sequence? Think of this as some kind of brainteasers or puzzles! Q1 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 22, 101, ? A: 1010 a(n) = 10 in base (10-n) Q2 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, ? A:Read off the digits of the previous member, counting the number of digits in groups of the same digit. Ex: one 3, one 1, two 2s, two 1s ? 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 Q3 533, 422, 1234, ? A: 555 Just the numbered musical notation of the song “小蜜蜂” :D Inspiration? Don’t think everything as usual ways, especially when we are in the age that creativity is the dominating ability! Reference More about Q2: Look-and-say sequence /wiki/Look-and-say_sequence A interesting site: On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: /~njas/sequences/Seis.html The Longest Palindrome Sentence in Japanese うそだとこういとしくかちくでここにいつくなりはたしかといかでげかいいにんこうをそうしこす とういたまてあんたらかいなはきしむはやくそうろはうよじんこうとしかみつたつたからかちいなほいたにいつかたつだめだがたしとうよえきできはいせんせれ ばきれいけのそうくついるいもとひるねひるましがちもきとるれいいあきしかしでまたしかかんちがいせんかいとうらがえつたわしのかくか


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