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中原(工商舖) Centaline Commercial 工商舖快訊月刊201年月 Market Review June 2016 區董點評 Director’s Review 寫字樓部 Office Department 英國脫歐令環球經濟面臨更大挑戰,對整體投資市場的影響仍是未知之數。相對而言,脫歐對亞洲地區的影響較細,這段時間以長線回報為主的寫字樓市場更顯投資優勢,預料將成為資金避難所。而作為亞洲金融中心,香港更是投資者入市首選,料短期內將吸納更多海外資金流入,有利推動下半年大額買賣成交。回顧第二季,香港寫字樓市場大額及新高買賣成交湧現,中資企業入市步伐強勁,爭相在核心商業區「插旗」,進一步推高甲廈的成交呎價。7月份大額成交走勢維持強勁,其中位於紅磡的One HarbourGate東座全幢,更以約HK$45億成交,總樓面約28萬平方呎,呎價約HK$16,000。新買家為有中資背景的祥祺集團,除會預留部份作公司的香港總部外,大部分樓面將對外出租。    The global economy has faced an even greater challenge after UK voted to leave EU, the corresponding influence on overall investment market is still under concern. Comparatively, the impact of UK’s decision is less significant on Asian countries. In particular, Hong Kong enjoys a dominant position as Asian financial center, where foreign capital is expected to flow in. In particular, the office market is expected to become a capital refuge of investors as office premises are considered to be ideal assets for long-term investment. Notable transactions are likely to stay active in second half of 2016. Reviewing the market performance in Q2, Hong Kong office market recorded consecutive notable transactions and record highs. Chinese-capital enterprises continued to show strong intention to move in core business districts, while strong competitions helped pushing up price levels of Grade-A offices. In July, notable transactions remained flourishing. The whole block of One HarbourGate East Tower was sold at approx. HK$4.5 billion. The total GFA covers around 280,000 sq ft while the average price accounted for approx. HK$16,000 psf. The new buyer refers to a Chinese-capital enterprise, Cheung Kei Group, who is planning to set up its headquarter in this building while the remaining portion is available for lease. 工商部 Industrial / Office Department 發展商看好商廈市場後市,促使政府賣地成績亦見理想,早前葵涌前大連排道熟食市場的商業用地,合共吸引14間財團角逐投標,最終由第一集團及UNIT ASIA以約HK$7.59億合資投得。該地皮佔地約13,000平方呎,可建樓面約123,500平方呎,折合樓面呎價約HK$6,145,不但高於市場預期,更創新界商業地呎價新高。該集團計畫興建甲級寫字樓,有望成為區內的指標商廈,預計總投資額約HK$13億,


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