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英语中考备考关键--重点词汇辨析(八) 51. in class, in the class   in class 在课上,in the class 在班级里 He is the best student in the class.   Who smokes in class? =in the classroom 谁在教室里吸烟?   Who smokes in the class? =Who is a smoker in (our, for example) class? 我们班里谁吸烟?   区分:in class 课堂上(指正在上课)in the class 在课室(指在教室里)你可以这样记:the 是定冠词 它可以用在地点前特指class=classroom(教室)the class(room) 就是在课室里而 in class没有“the”、意思就是正在上课例句:Dont talk loudly in class.(不要在课堂上大声讲话。)Dont eat in the class.(不要在课室里吃东西。)The children are in the class.(那些孩子们都在教室里。)   52. on fire, on the fire   on fire 着火, on the fire 在火上 Put the food on the fire. The house is on fire.   53. out of question, out of the question   out of question 毫无疑问的,out of the question 不可能的   out of question 没问题   e.g. I can join you--its out of question.   out of the question 不可能的,不允许的   e.g. You cant let a girl of three understand such a difficult story--its out the question.   这一对片语仅差一字之微,涵义却大相径庭。   Out of question: 毫无疑问,beyond question,beyond doubt   Out of the question: 不可能,impossible   Out of question的意思是“毫无疑问”,它是副词性短语,修饰谓语动词或整个句子。其义相当于beyond question,beyond doubt。[_leland 记忆方法:这组词可以这样记忆:没有the,不用怀疑,你是对的。即片语中没有the这个定冠词表示的意思是毫无疑问,不用怀疑的意思。]。例:   The general trend of the situation in Bosnia is out of question,developing in a direction more favourable to peace.   毫无疑问,波斯尼亚形势的总趋势是朝着更加有利于和平的方向发展。   The sabotage is out of question a fresh blow to international peace efforts.   那次阴谋破坏无疑对国际和平努力又是一个新的打击。   Out of the question的意思是“毫无可能”、“根本不必讨论”。它是形容词性短语,用作verb “to be”的补语[_leland 记忆方法:这组词可以这样记忆:有the不可能。即片语中有the这个定冠词表示的意思是不可能的。]。例:   Asking a miser to donate to charity is out of the question.   要求一个守财奴为慈善捐献是完全不可能的。   Without the participation of ten thousand workers,completion of such a mammoth undertaking in so short a period would be out of the question.   如果没有上万名工人参加,在这样短的时期完成如此巨大的工程是决不可能的。   54. a second, the second   a second 又一,再一,the second 第…… He won the second prize.   a second意表数量“又一,再一…”在原来的数量上又增加了一个,


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