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9.The summer is _____in the north. A.hot and dry B.hot and wet C.warm and rainy 10.Einstein was a_____. A.singer B.scientist C.teacher 11.--_________ --Its warm and rainy. A.How is the weather there? B.What did you learn? C.When did the Spring Festival start? 12.Zhou Lin is____.He learns how people make silk. A.go on a science trip B.doing a science project C.grow rice 13.Qingming Festival is in_____. A.autumn B.March C.April 14.______an excellent idea! A.How B.What C.Its 15._____interesting! A.How B.What C.Its 选择恰当的词填空 1.When____(do\did) the Spring Festival start? 2.We____(go\went)on a science filed trip last week. 3.He saved many peoples___(life\lives). 4.He favourite____(fruit\colour) is green. 5.The leaves___(on\in) the trees are red and yellow. 6.In July, kids usually go_____ (swim\swimming). 连词成句 1. it is What season (?) ________________________________ 2.your mums Is she singer favourite(?) __________________________________ 3.a great She was scientist(.) __________________________________ 4.did learn What you(?) _________________________________ 5.very long ago It started(.) _________________________________ 改错 1.Its wonderful to have four season._____ 2.She is my mums favourite actor.______ 3.Many people listened on him.________ 4.We learned that ants is good.________ 5.Lets starts with the Spring Festival.____ 前五单元复习 单词复习 1,补全单词并写出相应的意思 _ _ t _ mn( ) w_ t( ) dr_ ( ) w_ _ th_ _ ( ) _ _ _ son( ) h_ t( ) ch_ _ ce( ) ac_ _ _ _ _ ( ) l_ f_ ( ) h_ ndb_ g( ) great_ _ _ ( ) w_ s_ ( ) br_ v_ ( ) _ _ ro( ) _ _ _ dier( ) m_ th( ) thr _ _d( ) h _ n_ _ ( ) a u u秋,秋季 e湿的潮的多雨的 y干燥的干旱的 e a e r天气 s e a季节 a帽子 o i选择 t r e s s女演员 i e生命 a a手提包 e s t最伟大的 i e聪明的,明智的 a e勇敢的,无畏的 h e英雄 s o l士兵 o 蛾 e a细丝 o e y 蜂蜜 词组 _____从......出来 ______ 很久以前 _____从......开始 ______ 好运气 _____盛装打扮


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