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父亲角色缺失对幼儿性格的影响研究 摘 要【关键词】 Abstract The role of the father in early childhood development process plays an irreplaceable role, more and more researchers will explore the focus of the fathers role in the research. At present, domestic and foreign research has different degree that the fathers role has a unique role on the development of young children, particularly children good character formation is inseparable from his fathers love and care. This paper on the basis of past research, and according to the problem of the impact of father’s role missing on child character, firstly, this paper discusses the role of the father and the concept of children’s character, lack of performance of the role of the father; secondly, through the case analysis to discuss the missing of fathers role on children’s character impact, the missing of father’s role makes children’s character change and childrens gender role development defect. The role of the father plays an important role during the formation of children’s good character, and we should fully realize that he role of the father can not be missing. Lastly, we can put forward effective measures from two aspects of father own and the home cooperation to the maximum play the fathers role, and to promote children’s good character formation. 【】 fathers role , Missing , Childrens character 目 录 第1章 引言 1 1.1 研究缘由 1 1.2 研究意义 1 1.3 目前国内外的研究现状 1 第2章 研究综述 3 2.1 核心概念的界定 3 2.1.1 父亲角色 3 2.1.2 父亲角色缺失 3 2.1.3 性格 3 2.2 父亲角色缺失的表现 4 2.2.1 父亲参与家庭教育的程度低 4 2.2.2 父亲在孩子心目中地位低 4 2.2.3 父亲的教育观念陈旧 5 2.2.4 父亲的教育方式极端 5 2.3 父亲角色缺失的影响因素 6 2.3.1 父亲角色缺失的个人因素 6 2.3.2 父亲角色缺失的家庭因素 6 2.3.3 父亲角色缺失的社会因素 6 2.3.4 父亲角色缺失的其他影响因素 7 第3章 父亲角色缺失对幼儿性格的影响 8 3.1 案例分析 8 3.1.1 案例背景 8 3.1.2 案例描述 8 3.1.3 案例分析 8 3.1.4 案例措施 9 3.1.5 案例反思 9 3.2 父亲角色缺失对幼儿性格的影响 9 3.2.1 父亲角色缺失造成幼儿性格偏移 10 3.2.2 父亲角色缺失造成幼儿性别角色发展的缺陷 10 第4章 父亲角色的不容缺失 12 4.1 父亲自身要做好父亲角色 12 4.1.1 转变传统的教育观念 12 4.1.2 学习做父亲的技能 12 4.1.3 给幼儿树立榜样 12 4.1.4 多与幼儿做游戏 13 4.2 家园合作中不可缺少的父亲角色 13 4.2.1 宣传父亲角色的重要



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