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Various=many kinds of 茶歇 coffee/tea break Coca cola sprite n.精灵 fried chickenbeer cheers! Spicy Chicken wings hamburger chicken roll chicken-popcorn Bottom up! Milkshake奶昔 eggtart mashed potato French fries Read and Think 1 Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1) What is the main idea of this passage? 2) Why is it in November that we tend to think of a way to thank volunteers? 3) Why does Nazia hold potlucks at the office and invite volunteers? Different ways to show thanks to volunteers. Because Thanksgiving Day is in November. To make them feel like part of the team. Read and Think 1 Answer the following questions according to the passage. 4) What is the purpose for Traci to send out Thanksgiving cards to the volunteers? 5) Why do you think Aimee and her staff use a “silent way” to give their thanks? 6) Why does Linda want to do her award program again next year? She wants to make the volunteers know people are grateful to them for what theyve done in the busy year. Perhaps because they work in a library, where a quiet environment is needed. Because it seems to be well received. Back Language Points 2 Important Words offer v. make available or accessible, provide or furnish 提供,答应给 n. 工作机会,机会 e.g. The conference center offers a health spa. The local student offers to guide us around the city. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 3. grateful a. feeling or showing thanks 感激的 e.g. He felt so grateful to all the strangers help. We need to feel more grateful for what we have instead of complaining what we dont. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 5. appreciate v. be fully aware of; realize fully 珍惜且理解;欣赏 e.g. Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter? I do appreciate what you have done to ease my pain. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 6. Recognize v. show approval or appreciation of 认同,就…表示认同和谢忱 n. recognition 认同 e.g. Our e


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