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The content of the literature review Any study you carry out, whether it is laboratory or library based, cannot depend completely on your own data, but must be situated in a context of what is already known about the topic in question. This context is provided in the literature review. Firstly, you need to read around to find the information and studies that are relevant to your topic. 2) You must then summarize these studies, properly cited. You need to include: who found out what, when, and how this developed the study of the topic. VI Academic Writing Underpin [,?nd?‘p?n]?v. support, justify, or form the basis for 巩固;加强;为…打下基础 The G20 leaders in April committed to promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity. 今年4月,出席20国集团峰会的领导人承诺,将致力于推动全球贸易与投资,反对保护主义,以巩固繁荣。 As a result, we will need to ensure that global standards in accountancy continue to underpin our profession. 因此,我们还必须确保财会行业的全球标准能够巩固我们的行业。 Core Vocabulary articulate [ɑr‘t?kjulet] v.express (an idea or feeling) fluently and coherently清楚,流利地表达(思想或感情)? The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs. 总统被指责没能清楚地表述对外交事务的总体设想 He articulated each syllable. 他清楚地说出了每个音节。 Core Vocabulary * l. Comprehension II Language Focus III Use of English V Academic Skills Training Exercises IV Translation Exercises l. Comprehension What is essential to maximize organ availability? A. To understand what motivates potential deceased donors. B. To understand what potential deceased donors wish. C. To understand what motivates families of potential deceased donors to agree with or decline donation. D. To understand what motivates government to support organ donation. √ Exercises 2. Why has the media used the “gift of life” message? A. In order to increase public awareness of the need for organ donation. B. In order to make people grateful for organ donors. C. In order to make laws to protect organ dono


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