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Remember this 1:cop(义务警察 2:no more running, no more hiding, no more secrets(不再逃亡不再躲藏不再有秘密 3:side effect(副作用) 4:self-diagnosed(自我诊断) 5 7:incredible(惊人的) (任务) 8 10:formula(分子式) 13:exhilaration(兴奋) 14:you don’t screw with time(你不可能战胜时间的) 15 16:track her down(跟踪她17:soul(灵魂 18:speaking of sin(我犯下的错) 20:cut the crap(别开玩笑了) (好痛扭曲时间者 2:villain(暴徒) 6:chauffeur(司机 3: the life is at stake(生命垂危) 4(以其人之道还治其人之身) 5 7:pushy(急切的) make it up(瞎编) 11:see you around(回头见) 12:grieving is messy(悲痛使人沉沦) 13drop the lawsuit(撤销起诉) 14maid(女佣) 15 weird(诡异) cook(伪造 16:go call it in(现在去叫人吧) 17:terrific(那就好 tattoo(纹身) 18 19:This is the last thing l would ever want to do. (这是我最不愿做的一件事情) 20:one can’t be too honest(人越老实越好) 1It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. (无论多么聪明的人也难免犯错误) 2’ m too anxious to know the result. (我极想知道结果) 3Its three years since he was a teacher. (他不当教师已经三年了) 4ll that glitters is not gold. (闪光的东西不一定都是金子) 5The mountain is not valuable because it is high. (山并不因为高而具有价值) 6:I’ll take my chances. (我会考虑的 7:be well(保重) that’s my path(那才是我的出路)turn myself in(自首) 8 9:go to hell(去死吧) you disgust me(你让我作呕) 10’s a shame(那太可惜了) 11 12:this is bag and tag(这很不错) 13:nemesis(复仇女神) damn it(该死) 14:put me on the beach(安抚我) 15:Claire bear(克莱儿宝贝) 16you get a minute(你有空吗)(参议员) 18(承担相应的后果)shoot to kill(格杀勿论) 19(太险了)rebel(反抗者) 20of my way(别掺和) 1 2:stuff(药) not yet(至少现在不行) 3 Taub(傀儡) 4 cleanup crew(清理分队)rendezvous with destiny(宿命) 5spike(钉子) holy crap(天哪) 6ex-wife(前妻) 7lumber(木材) 8ighborhood(什么风把你吹到我这边来了)sign him out(把他领出来) 9太没人品了 cozy(好惬意) 10:deceptively(貌似)offense(冒犯) 11ce(栅栏)residency(实习) 12date(对象) 13 will second that(我赞成它) 14: untapped 15:sometimes a hero has to run away to live to fight another day(留得青山在不愁没柴烧) 16’s a date(就这么定了) 17thousandfold(千倍的) right-hand man(得力助手) 18stark out(毫无保留) 19 20:vulnerable(敏感的sidesick(随从) 1:having you committed(你这不是在自杀吗)cello(大提琴)obsessed(痴情的)coward(懦夫)torch(破坏) 2milkshake(奶昔) 3 放松点 take a nosh(吃点心) nightmare(噩梦) 4 5:take a peak(看看吧) erase(抹去) 6……..off(把….弄


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