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The outline of grammar Word 英语单词通常分为十种,即所谓的十大词类(ten parts of speech) 汉语译名 英语名称 简略形abbreviation 汉语译名 英语名称 简略形abbreviation 实词: 名词,代词,动词,形容词,副词,数词 虚词: 介词,冠词,连词,感叹词 sentence elements 句子成分通常有下面七种,在句子中各司其职,有条不紊。 1. subject 主语 2. predicate verb 谓语动词 3. object 宾语 4. attributive 定语 5. adverbial 状语 6. subject compliment 主语补足语 (predicative表语) 7. object compliment 宾语补足语 动词:根据句法功能分类,可分为 谓语动词和非谓语动词 谓语动词包含 实义动词,连系动词,助动词,情态动词 非谓语动词包含 不定式,v.-ing形式,v.-ed形式 Phrase 词组 是由一个或一个以上的词构成的语法单位. 它是按照一定语法规则围绕一定中心词结合起来的一组词。 中心词决定着词组的类别。 (一) noun phrase all the college students (二)verb phrase They teach English. (三)adjective phrase full of confidence (四)adverb phrase Don’t move so slowly. (五)prepositional phrase Do you think you can borrow some money from your friend? (六) gerund phrase I like riding my bicycle. (七) present participle phrase Having seen the film, we had a discussion. (八)past participle phrase Painted by a famous artist, the portrait is invaluable. (九) infinitive phrase We went there to see a film. Clause 分句 是建立在一个或一个以上词组基础上的语法单位。 从逻辑意义上看,分句又是一种 “主语+谓语”的语法构造,因而具有一种描述性。 According to their syntactic function(句法功能), clauses can be divided into two types: 1. independent clause (独立分句,不附属于其它结构而独立存在的句子) 2. dependent clause (附属分句)—— subordinate clause. For example: That hat does not fit; you may try another. 独立分句 If that hat does not fit, try another. 附属分句 nominal clauses, (名词性从句) relative clauses, (关系从句) and adverbial clauses (状语从句) 1. nominal clause A nominal clause can serve as a noun phrase in a sentence, it can be usually introduced by a subordinate conjunction (从属连词)“that”, or conjunctive pronoun (连接代词) “who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, etc”, or c


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