Testing Simple Parameterizations for the Basic Characteristics为基本特征的简单参数化测试.pptVIP

Testing Simple Parameterizations for the Basic Characteristics为基本特征的简单参数化测试.ppt

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Testing Simple Parameterizations for the Basic Characteristics为基本特征的简单参数化测试

Formation of the Solar System (Chapter 8) Help from Other Stars Use observations of the formation of other stars to improve our theory for the formation of our solar system Use this theory to make predictions about the formation of other planetary systems Nebular Theory of Solar System Formation A cloud of gas, the “solar nebula”, collapses inwards under its own weight Cloud heats up, spins faster, gets flatter (disk) as a central star forms Gas cools and some materials condense as solid particles that collide, stick together, and grow larger Where does a cloud of gas come from? Big Bang - Hydrogen and Helium First stars use this to generate other heavier elements Stars die, explode, spread these elements into space Galactic Recycling The first step A cloud of gas forms It starts to collapse under its own gravity Textbooks are vague on exactly how gas cloud formed and why it started to collapse because this process isn’t very well understood today What happens next? Does the shrinking cloud stay spherical? F = GM1M2 / r2 As cloud shrinks, gravitational forces get stronger and it collapses faster Gravity pulls inwards in all directions, it’s not weaker in some directions than others So it looks like the cloud of gas should stay spherical as it shrinks Three Conservation Laws These three properties are conserved as the cloud collapses Energy Gas particles speed up as they are pulled inwards, collisions convert inward kinetic energy into randomly directed thermal energy Momentum Gas cloud doesn’t suddenly start moving along Angular Momentum Angular Momentum Gas cloud has some angular momentum when it starts to collapse Cloud starts to spin faster as it collapses, like an ice-skater pulling in her arms Interactive Figure 8.3 Collisions between particles flatten the cloud into a disk Interactive Figure Why does the disk flatten? Conservation of energy A – Turns spherical cloud into flat disk B – Heats the cloud as it collapses C – Makes the cloud/disk rotate D – E



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