The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right四件事服务商必须得到正确的.pptVIP

The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right四件事服务商必须得到正确的.ppt

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The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right四件事服务商必须得到正确的

The Funding Mechanism: Service comes at a cost (1) Charge the customers in a palatable way: rarely a la carte. Imagine if Starbuck charged its customers per hour for the uses of its lounge area? What if Commerce Bank charged customers explicitly for having longer operating hours? Avoid charging your customers explicitly for added service Find creative ways to fund the added service (2) Create a win-win between operation savings and value-added services Progressive Casualty Insurance: Sends van out to accident Lowers fraud risk and increases service How to find win-win solutions? Look at largest costs Attempt to remove time The Funding Mechanism: Continued (3) Spend now to save later Offer free customer support - feedback leads to a better product Automation Investment in technology (4) Have the customers do the work Self service: Turn labor into an activity for customers E.g., Airlines self check in. Improve customer experience ( access to useful tools such as seat maps) and lowers costs Four main service elements The Offering The Funding Mechanism Employee Management System Customer Management System The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right The service must meet the needs and desires of an attractive group of customers in terms of customer experience and service features. E.g. Convenience and friendly service vs. price. E.g. Bank’s extended hours. Identify customer operating segments in terms of attribute preference . E.g. Walmart’s customers preference for low price and wide selection over ambience and customer service. Managers must choose areas to excel. The Offering Recruiting and Selection Process Commerce Bank: “Hire for attitude and train for service.” Combination of attitude and aptitude expensive – Place preference. Training (see above) Job Design Make sure that employee is not set up for failure but allows an average employee to thrive. Should have fault tolerance built in, i,e., able to compensate for l


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