The French Lieutenant’s Woman FJU法国中尉的女人辅大.pptVIP

The French Lieutenant’s Woman FJU法国中尉的女人辅大.ppt

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The French Lieutenant’s Woman FJU法国中尉的女人辅大

The French Lieutenant’s Woman John Fowles Sarah Woodruff: a female Heathcliff a genuine rebel against social constraints a catalyst in Charless development represents a kind of social freedom the narrators surrogate“ the sexually exciting mystery woman seen by Charles a social outcast, naturally isolated and alienated Sarah as “the French Lieutenant’s Woman,” “tragedy” or “the French Lieutenant’s whore” a heroine who struggles with integration, a crisis of self-awareness of her being-in-the-flesh triggered by erotic desire. the dark lady exiled from her society wear clothing which disguises or expresses contempt for her sexual characteristics: Sarah in black, outsized mans coat and black bonnet withdraw from the society, weep without rational cause, and is prone to melancholia increasingly conscious of her growing erotic power educated above her station in a class-bound society long experienced herself as a misfit somehow offensive and alien to her community: “…solitude …. My life has been steeped in loneliness …” (170) clings to the fictional persona of fallen woman because it reinforces her vital sense of separateness and uniqueness A negative identity: she is a power and that she is different from Victorian notions of what women should be. And until Sarah is able to imagine a more positive persona, she clings to the ash-girl/fallen woman identity by refusing to leave Lyme or Mrs. Poulteneys house, the house of the step-mother. Sarahs suffering is frequently figured in images of a wound the blood sacrifice demanded by Mrs. Poulteney the blood drawn from the hawthorn when she makes her confession to Charles (176) the lamed foot which she pretends in Exeter her blood on Charless shirttails menstrual imagery– suggests that Sarahs sorrow is a condition of flesh that bleeds, the flesh of a woman Mrs. Poulteney : Sarah Woodruff ‘s fairytale step-mother Mrs. Poulteney is an almost Dickensian caricature of thos


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