The Effects of Frame Rate and Resolution on Users Playing帧速率和分辨率对用户的影响.pptVIP

The Effects of Frame Rate and Resolution on Users Playing帧速率和分辨率对用户的影响.ppt

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The Effects of Frame Rate and Resolution on Users Playing帧速率和分辨率对用户的影响

January 2006 MMCN, San Jose, California The Effects of Frame Rate and Resolution on Users Playing First Person Shooter Games Mark Claypool Computer Games and Performance Latest computer games push capabilities of hardware in “quest” for more detailed, realistic graphics Single game runs on varied hardware PC : Old (600 MHz P3, 32 MB Video) or New (3 GHz P4, 256 MB Vid) Platform: PC, Console (i.e. Xbox), Hand-held (i.e. PSP) Result: Uneven hardware capabilities, opportunities for performance tuning Key factors for game performance are: Frame Rate – higher frame look smoother, provide more temporally precise feedback Frame Resolution – higher resolutions look better, provide more visually precise feedback Motivation Unfortunately, often cannot have both high Frame Rate and high Frame Resolution Ex: Hand-held devices have constrained resources (small screens, limited power) Ex: Older computers (often, only 1 year!) cannot run latest games at maximum frame rate or resolution Tradeoff between Frame Rate and Frame Resolution Higher resolutions mean lower frame rates and vice versa How are frame rates and resolutions chosen? Game console designers and hand-held designers choose resolution for user Frame rate may depend upon processing load PC gamers choose it by “feel” Not guided by science Related Studies Passive Users [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] Users assess video with various frame rates and resolutions Generally, decrease resolution then decrease quality, but decrease in frame rate less so Active Users [8,9,10,11] Users perform tasks under various frame rates and frame resolutions Generally, extremely low frame rates impact performance, but frame rates of 4+ can be acceptable Overall - more passive than most games and tradeoffs not compared Our goal – Effects of Frame Rate and Frame Resolution on User Performance for Games Outline Introduction (done) Methodology (next) Results What’s Going On? Conclusions Methodology Outline Select game Build custom map Select paramete


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