The French Revolution loh法国革命的

The French Revolution loh法国革命的

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The French Revolution loh法国革命的

The French Revolution Absolutism Absolute monarchs didn’t share power with a counsel or parliament “Divine Right of Kings” The Seigneurial System Feudal method of land ownership and organization Peasant labor Louis XIV Ruled from 1643–1715 Reduced the power of the nobility Fought four wars Greatly increased France’s national debt The Seven Years’ War Louis XV War fought in Europe, India, North America France ends up losing some of its colonial possessions Increases French national debt The Three Estates First Estate: clergy Second Estate: nobility Third Estate: the rest of society The Estates General The French Urban Poor The Enlightenment New ideas about society and government The social contract Tradition v. reason L—inalienable liberties R—general will—citizens alienated their rights. Unanimous consent of the citizenry acting out of civic virtue, not individual self- interest The Third Estate Taxation Crop failures Seyes, “What is the Third Estate?” Ideological basis? Individual liberities or general will? Foreshadowing of 1789? The American Revolution France supported the colonists against Great Britain Revolutionary ideals Financial Crisis Jacques Turgot: cut gov’t spending; abolish trade guilds, end corvee. Jacques Necker Tax on property Calling of the Estates General The Estates General One vote per estate Clergy and nobility usually joined together to outvote the Third Estate Met in Versailles in May 1789 Voting controversy The National Assembly The Third Estate took action and established its own government On June 17, 1789, the National Assembly was formed Confrontation With the King Louis XVI ordered the Third Estate locked out of the National Assembly’s meeting hall The Tennis Court Oath The king reverses his position Tennis Court Oath We swear to never separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble whenever circumstance require, until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations. --The Oath of the Ten


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