The French Revolution of 1789 PowerPoint Presentation1789法国大革命的PowerPoint演示文稿.pptVIP

The French Revolution of 1789 PowerPoint Presentation1789法国大革命的PowerPoint演示文稿.ppt

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The French Revolution of 1789 PowerPoint Presentation1789法国大革命的PowerPoint演示文稿

Tuileries Palace (Paris, France) Changes under the National Assembly Declaration of the Rights of Man End of Special Privileges Church lands were seized, divided, and sold to peasants Civil Constitution of the Clergy required that Church officials be elected by the people, with salaries paid by the government 2/3 of Church officials fled the country rather than swear allegiance to this All feudal dues and tithes were eradicated All special privileges of the First and Second Estates were abolished Reforms in Local Government The 30 provinces and their “petty tyrants” (Intendants) were replaced with 83 new departments Ruled by elected governors New courts, with judges elected by the people, were established Constitution of 1791 Democratic features France became a limited monarchy King became merely the head of state All laws were created by the Legislative Assembly Feudalism was abolished Undemocratic features Voting was limited to taxpayers Offices were reserved for property owners This new government became known as the Legislative Assembly Legislative Assembly (1791-1792) Royal family sought help from Austria In June, 1791, they were caught trying to escape to Austria Nobles who fled the revolution lived abroad as émigrés They hoped that, with foreign help, the Old Regime could be restored in France Church officials wanted Church lands, rights, and privileges restored Some devout Catholic peasants also supported the Church Political parties, representing different interests, emerged Girondists Jacobins Opposition to the New Government European monarchs feared that revolution would spread to their own countries France was invaded by Austrian and Prussian troops In the uproar, the Commune took control of Paris Commune was led by Danton, a member of the Jacobin political party Voters began electing representatives for a new convention which would write a republican constitution for France A republic is a government in which the people elect representatives who will c


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