The English Civil War Mr英国内战他. Dana Gards Blog.pptVIP

The English Civil War Mr英国内战他. Dana Gards Blog.ppt

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The English Civil War Mr英国内战他. Dana Gards Blog

The English Civil War James I James I became King of England in 1603 following the death of Elizabeth I. Soon after becoming King, James professed his belief in the divine right of kings. James would fight with Parliament over spending and foreign policy. He would also make an enemy of the Puritans stating that he would force them out of England. Charles I James would bite the dust in 1625 and would be followed by his son, Charles I. Charles would continue his father’s belief in the divine right of kings and his fight with the Puritans. To make matters worse Charles I would marry Henrietta Maria, sister to Louis XIII and a Catholic. Charles I Charles would ask Parliament for money to fight a war with France and Spain. He would be refused all of what he asked so he raised money by forcing landowners to grant loans to the government. If they refused they were thrown in jail. He went on to billet soldiers in private homes and declared martial law in some areas. Charles I Parliament forced Charles to sign the Petition of Right in return for granting higher taxes. The Petition limited the Kings power in four ways: The king was forbidden to collect taxes or force loans without Parliament’s consent. The king could not imprison anyone without just cause. Troops could not be housed in a private home without consent. Martial law could not be declared unless the country was at war. Charles I In 1642 Charles was presented with the “Nineteen Propositions” which would make Parliament the supreme power in England. The king refused to sign it and sent troops to arrest certain members of Parliament. His use of force would throw the country into a civil war. Civil War The Parliamentarians or “Roundheads” were led by Oliver Cromwell. After four years of fighting the Royalists or “Cavaliers” would surrender in 1646 and the king in 1647. Death to the king… When the king surrendered in 1647 he was tried and found guilty by the army. He was sentenced and executed shortly after. It


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