The Future of Human Evolution Gavilan College人类进化的未来加维兰大学.pptVIP

The Future of Human Evolution Gavilan College人类进化的未来加维兰大学.ppt

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The Future of Human Evolution Gavilan College人类进化的未来加维兰大学

The Future of Human Evolution Mary Pham Anthropology 01 Summer 2007 Introduction Upon studying evolution (especially studying our ancestors and primate relatives) in our class, a question popped up in my mind… What will happen to the future of the human species??? (i.e. Will we still survive? Branch off into different species? Become extinct???) Ladies and gentleman, today I will offer to you several hypotheses proposed by evolutionary theorists on the future of our human species. An Overview: Six Hypotheses In the future, the human race may: Become two sub-species Become survivalists, creating many different species that will be able to cope with doomsday Depend on genetic modification to improve our intelligence and physique Become less diverse, more homogenous as a whole Assimilate machinery to ourselves and become cyborgs Become an alien species suited to space travel Hypothesis #1: Humans Split into Two Sub-Species Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge. Humans will become more choosier about their sexual partners Upper-class: Slim, intelligent, attractive Underclass: Ugly, dim-witted, goblin-like Hypothesis #1: Other Changes Humans will evolve between 6ft and 7ft tall Life-spans will have extended to 120 years Social skills (e.g. interacting with others) could be lost. Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food. Hypothesis #2: Playing evolution with genetic modification We will be genetically modified to become a smarter, stronger species We already have been wrestling with real-world aspects of future human development Stem-cell research Implantation of biocompatible computer chips We are making ourselves virtually extinction-proof by bending Earths flora and fauna to our will. Hypothesis #3: Survivalistians Many different species will cope with Doomsday Humans will no longer threatened by predators their own size Different populations develop in isolati


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