The Golden Age Maine West High School金时代缅因州西部高中.pptVIP

The Golden Age Maine West High School金时代缅因州西部高中.ppt

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The Golden Age Maine West High School金时代缅因州西部高中

The Golden Age The Age of Pericles 3 Goals 1. Strengthen Athenian Democracy 2. Hold and strengthen the Empire 3. Glorify Athens Strengthen Democracy Increased number of public officials who were paid Allowed poorer people to participate Had more citizens engaged in government Introduced Direct Democracy Citizens rule directly, not through representatives “Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people.” Strengthen the Empire Athens took control of the Delian League Used money from the league to strengthen the Athenian navy Treated other members of the league as part of the Athenian Empire Led to some city-states forming a new alliance against Athens, led by Sparta Glorify Athens Used money from the league to beautify Athens Bought gold, ivory, and marble Paid artists, architects, and workers to use these materials Architecture The Parthenon 23,000 square feet Traditional style that had been used for 200 years Served as a temple to Athena, goddess of wisdom and protector of Athens Columns Doric Capital ???? Ionic Capital????? Corinthian Capital Sculpture Graceful, strong, and perfectly formed Faces showed neither joy nor anger, only serenity Emphasized the body in motion The ideal beauty, not realism Drama Tragedy – serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal. Comedy – contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor. Made fun of politicians and respected people and ideas of the time. Peloponnesian War City-states begin to view Athens with hostility War between Athens and Sparta seems inevitable 431 B.C.- Sparta declares war War Athens has stronger navy Sparta has stronger army Pericles’ strategy is to avoid land battles Spartans march into Athenian territory Pericles brings all residents inside city walls where they would be safe 1/3 of Athenian population, including Pericles die in a plague 421 B.C. – sign a truce Hostilities renew


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