The Golden Age of Athens雅典的黄金时代.pptVIP

The Golden Age of Athens雅典的黄金时代.ppt

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The Golden Age of Athens雅典的黄金时代

Pericles was the central figure in Athens during its golden age. Although he was extremely influential, and had tremendous influence with the masses, he thought it wise to spend much of his extraordinary career as a behind the scenes influence. Athens was notorious for its fickle treatment of leaders who became to powerful, and ostracization was best avoided by maintaining a quiet demeanor. None the less, Pericles effectively controlled the democratic party, and in this position is much credited for making Athens a great cultural center. He was very influential in the development of public works, including the famous Parthenon, and the strategically important Long Walls that enclosed the entire city, and ran all the way to the port of Athens. It was under Pericles that Athens became the cultural center of the Mediterranean, and produced much of the artistic and literary masterpieces for which it is still renowned. The Panathenaia represented by Pheidias on the Parthenon frieze was the most important Athenian festival celebrated every four years in the month of Hekatombaion (July-August) in honor of the goddess Athena. The festival was established in prehistoric times (according to the myth by Erichthonios and later reorganized by Theseus). The tyrant Peisistratos (566 BC) modified it again to The Great Panathenaia so that in the period from the 6th to the 4th century BC it become a Panhellenic festival. The Lesser Panathenaia was held annually locally. The festival included athletic and music contests which lasted up to 12 days. The festival reached its peak at the birthday of Athena (28th Hektatocombaion). Up to 100 bulls were sacrificed (Hekatocomb). A peplos (a dress) was woven with thread of gold by the Arrephoroi and the Ergastinai, maidens from prominent families. In a procession from the Kerameikos to the Acropolis it was carried like a sail on a wheeled ship as far as the Eleusinion and thereafter by hand. On the Acropolis the peplos was handed over to prie


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