The Golden Apples The Story of Atlanta and 金色的苹果亚特兰大的故事.pptVIP

The Golden Apples The Story of Atlanta and 金色的苹果亚特兰大的故事.ppt

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The Golden Apples The Story of Atlanta and 金色的苹果亚特兰大的故事

The Golden Apples: The Story of Atalanta and Hippomenes John Brown Caitlin Bostic Santana Bush Characters Atalanta- Was the daughter of Iasion and Arcadia, also a beautiful muscular young woman that was a princess, was brought up by bears, abandoned at birth by her dad due to being a female. Hippomenes- Went to Aphrodite for help to win the race against Atalanta, and received golden apples to his advantage. Aprohdite- Goddess of love and beauty, daughter of Zeus and Dione, born in the foam in the sea Zeus- The King of all gods Venus- Goddess of love and beauty Iasion- The father of Atalanta Plot / Setting Atalanta was abandoned by her father because of her gender. Also raised by bears, she refused to get married, but her father wanted her to get married. So she challenged men in a foot race that wanted to marry her. Hippomenes accepted Atalanta’s challenge for marriage, received help from Aphrodite or Venus and she lended him golden apples to distract Atalanta during the race. Hippomenes won the race and they soon later were married. They were caught laying in Zeus’s sacred temple, and soon were turned into lions. Setting took place in the woods/ outdoors, also some parts of the story took place in the holy temple The Race of Atalata and Hippomenes Symbolism Golden apples- Are known as a beautiful fruit, had to use them wisely Loin- Meaning strength Running sandals- Basically the tennis shoes of our modern world Theme / Moral lesson Atalanta was alone because ahe did not want to be married for her dad’s sake, or marry for money. She wanted to marry for love. Throughout the story she learned to love someone for who he was and not for what they can do. Quotes/ lines Quiz * * Quote by Hippomenes: “ No person could be worth such a risk! Only an Idiot would try to win her for his wife!” ? Quote by Apollo: “ You must never marry, if you do you will surely lose your own identity.” ? Quote by Atalanta: “ I will race anyone who wants to


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