The Great Gatsby” Wikispaces《了不起的盖茨比》 wiki空间.pptVIP

The Great Gatsby” Wikispaces《了不起的盖茨比》 wiki空间.ppt

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The Great Gatsby” Wikispaces《了不起的盖茨比》 wiki空间

The Great Gatsby Multigenre Project Nicole Cafarelli The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is considered one of the greatest American novels. Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the novel is a picture of 1920’s lifestyles and culture: the post-war, prohibition, Jazz era. Complete with dynamic characters and introspective foresight into the world of the wealthy, and the changing times, The Great Gatsby captures Americanism and the pursuit of the American Dream. Narrated by Nick Caraway, the humorless bystander in a world of power and corruption, the story follows the tragic rise and fall of Jay Gatsby and his own pursuit of the American Dream (displaced into his quest for Daisy Buchanan). The novel also mirrors the writer’s own life and troubled relationship with Zelda Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby both satirizes and immortalizes 1920s pop culture. I chose the novel because of my own personal interest. I fell for its intriguing characters and depictions, as well as its flair for crossing the generation gap. It is as equally light-hearted and dark as its characters and is not only an informative teaching piece, but an entertaining tale of love, loss, and betrayal as well. I’ve read the novel as both a student and a teacher and have found that the opportunities for historical relevance and research are boundless. Strengths of Multigenre Projects: Gives new insights into research, teaching the skills without the burden of lengthy writing. Appeals to more artistic and visual learners who struggle with words but understand concepts. Allows teachers the opportunity to test and examine a students’ ability to critique sources and cite research in its truest form, forcing them to find and use more diverse angles (I.e. where a birth certificate may not make its way into a research paper, it can be used in this type of project) Gets students thinking “outside of the box” and makes it less likely that they will over-rely on other sources’ words. More diversity for topic choice


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