The Impact of Evaluation on Thai ELT KMUTT评价对泰国英语 kmutt的影响.pptVIP

The Impact of Evaluation on Thai ELT KMUTT评价对泰国英语 kmutt的影响.ppt

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The Impact of Evaluation on Thai ELT KMUTT评价对泰国英语 kmutt的影响

The Impact of Evaluation on Thai ELT Richard Watson Todd King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Impacts of evaluation Most countries: most influential evaluation is University Entrance Exams The Chinese experience in 2007 Parents giving children Ritalin Parents trying to close airport The Thai experience Survey of secondary school teachers’ problems 156 respondents Most serious problem = the influence of the university entrance exam A brief history of Thai university entrance 1967 - 1997: multiple-choice exams as sole criterion 1998: 10% of marks from school scores (GPA and percentile ranking) By 2006, school scores increased to 30% (GPA only) A brief history of Thai university entrance 2006: name change to O-NET and A-NET Inclusion of essay question Link to school curriculum Norm-referencing through T-scores Marking fiasco 2007: multiple-choice only Future plans for Thai university entrance 2008: Add 3 more core subjects (health, technology, arts) 2010: A-NET replaced by aptitude test 2010: GPA system simplified 2010: Scores for ethics Stated reasons for changes Change away from exams only validity problems student stress growth of tutorial schools lack of attention to secondary schooling move to learner-centredness Keeping school scores to 30% reliability problems Stated reasons for changes National Education Act of 1999 Section 26 Educational institutions shall assess learners performance through observation of their development; personal conduct; learning behaviour; participation in activities and results of the tests accompanying the teaching-learning process commensurate with the different levels and types of education. Educational institutions shall use a variety of methods for providing opportunities for further education and shall also take into consideration results of the assessment of the learners performance. Reasons for changes Conflict between educational ideals and assessment inertia Conflict between Ministry of Education and Council of U


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