The Mediators of Inflammation炎症介质..pptVIP

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The Mediators of Inflammation炎症介质.

‘The Holy Grail’ -mediators of inflammation. Lecture 3 Rod Flower, WHRI, London. The components of inflammation. Cells.. - Fixed cells such as vascular cells. - Migratory cells such as PMNs. Mediators.. - many chemicals released into the body. Immune system.. -Innate. -Acquired. The ‘chemical theory’. Chemical substances, called mediators, released from injured or activated cells co-ordinate the development of the inflammatory response. A ‘chemical mediator should…. .. be found in tissues in concentrations that can explain the observed symptoms or effects. .. be released by the endogenous trigger which produces the response. .. have the same action in all species where the phenomenon occurs. .. be destroyed locally or systemically to avoid undue accumulation. .. be blocked (directly or indirectly) by inhibitors of inflammation. - Rocha E Silva, 1978. The mediators of inflammation. Plasma proteins such as complement and antibodies. Other proteins such as sPLA2 and acute phase reactants. Cytokines and chemokines. Lipids such as prostaglandins and PAF. Amines such as histamine. ‘Gasses’ such as NO and O2-. Kinins such as bradykinin. Neuropeptides such as substance P. Mediators which suppress inflammation. ACTH, GCs and products of the HPA axis. Some cytokines such as IL-10. Some induced proteins such as anti-proteases and lipocortin 1(annexin 1). Two types of ‘immunity’. Innate. Includes… - phagocytosis. - complement activation. - natural killer cells. Aquired. Includes… - secondary antibody mediated response. -secondary cell mediated response. Antibody mediated effects. IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE subtypes. Fab region recognises antigen. Fc region important for host defence functions Responsible for antibody mediated immunity and some ‘innate’ immunity. Immunoglobulins. IgG Major bloodborne immunoglobulin. 75% total Igs. 150 kda mw. Four subtypes. Main antibody of the secondary immune response. Immunoglobulins


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