The Measurement of Output and Productivity in the Health Care卫生保健中产出和生产率的测量.pptVIP

The Measurement of Output and Productivity in the Health Care卫生保健中产出和生产率的测量.ppt

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The Measurement of Output and Productivity in the Health Care卫生保健中产出和生产率的测量

The Measurement of Output and Productivity in the Health Care Sector in Canada: An Overview Dr. Andrew Sharpe Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) Improving Measures of Health Care Output and Outcomes in Canada Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Motivation for the Conference With ageing of the population it is expected that the share of GDP devoted to health care will continue to rise. Given budget constraints, it is important that the resources devoted to health care be used in the most effective manner possible. To monitor and measure effectiveness, we must be able to accurately measure health care output and outcomes. To mobilize players in the health sector to obtain better measures of health care output and outcomes. Four Reasons Why It Is So Difficult to Measure the Real Output (and Productivity) of the Health Care Sector Much of the output of the health care sector is non-marketed (e.g. hospital care) so there is no measure of nominal output independent of the value of inputs. The exact definition of what constitutes the output (as opposed to activities) of the health care sector is unclear (e.g. number of procedures performed versus successfully completed procedures, treatment of chronic conditions). Medical advances lead to quality improvements in the output of the health care sector, but it is difficult to adjust the price of medical services for these improvements. Actual price increases therefore may overestimate the true cost of quality-adjusted health care. The potential lack of direct relationship between trends in health output and productivity and health outcomes due to the wide range of factors that determine health outcomes (e.g. lifestyle, environment). Key Issue Should resources be allocated to initiatives that approach health output from an industry-based national accounts perspective and attempt to de


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