The Plant Kingdom Suffolk Public Schools植物王国萨福克郡公立学校.pptVIP

The Plant Kingdom Suffolk Public Schools植物王国萨福克郡公立学校.ppt

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The Plant Kingdom Suffolk Public Schools植物王国萨福克郡公立学校

The Plant Kingdom SOL 5.5: Kingdoms of Living Things The Plant Kingdom This kingdom has organisms that are multi-cellular, have cell walls and chlorophyll, produce their own food, and don’t physically move from one place to another. The Plant Kingdom Vascular Non-Vascular Photosynthesis Plant Cell Parts of a Flower SOL Released Test Items Non-Vascular plants that do not have tubes to carry water up the plant or tubes to carry food made in the leaves down the plant Examples: mosses liverworts ferns hornworts Non-Vascular Spore: the reproductive cell of a nonvascular plant Non-Vascular Moss Non-Vascular Liverwort Non-Vascular Fern Non-Vascular Hornwort Vascular Plants that have tubes to carry water up and food down the plant Examples: American dogwood tree roses grass Vascular American dogwood tree Vascular Roses Vascular Grass Photosynthesis Plant cells produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis allows plants to convert light energy into food energy. Parts of a Flower Parts of a Flower Parts of a Flower Parts of a Flower Parts of a Flower Plant Cell SOL Released Test Items * SPORES! Male Parts Female Parts Male Parts Female Parts The stamen consists of two parts: the anther and the filament. The filament holds the anther. The anther produces and carries the pollen. Male Parts Female Parts The pistil consists of three parts: the stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is the sticky part that traps and holds the pollen. The style is the tube-like structure that holds up the stigma. The ovary and the ovule are at the bottom of the style. Male Parts Female Parts The petals attract pollinators. (bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, for example) Male Parts Female Parts The sepals are the green petal-like parts at the base of the flower. Sepals help protect the developing bud. nucleus cell wall cell membrane vacuoles chloroplasts cytoplasm



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