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Task Ⅱ Text Learning Notes 1. With the continuous development of firewall technology, the new generation of firewall can prevent internal staff transferring sensitive information to external networks. “prevent internal staff transferring sensitive information to external networks”意为“阻止内部人员将敏感信息向外部网络传输”,“prevent sb (from) doing sth”是固定搭配,意为阻止某人做某事,在主动语态中from可以省略,例如:“The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.”意为“这个围栏的地点选择得很有策略,可以阻止任何人到海滩上”。 Task Ⅱ Text Learning 2. After analysis of computer viruses, virus removal technologies can be used to remove the infected programs of computers and restore the original files. “be used to do sth”意为“被用于做某事”,“be used to doing sth”意为“习惯于做某事”,“used to do sth”意为“过去常常做某事”,这三个固定搭配非常容易混淆,在使用的时候应该格外注意,例如:“The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus.”意为“人们用这个故事来强调耶稣人性的一面”;“She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.”意为“她不习惯和社会地位很高的人搅和在一起”;“I used to go to the cinema every week.”意为“我过去每周都去看电影”。 Task Ⅱ Text Learning 3. Digital authentication technologies can be used to ensure that the information can be transmitted completely and the identity of all parties can be verified effectively in e-commerce transactions. “ensure”意为“确保,保证”,后面可以跟名词、that从句、双宾语,其中在that从句中that可以省略,例如:“We must try to ensure that vital food supplies are maintained.”意为“我们必须确保维持生命所必需的食物之供应”。 “transmit the information”意为“传递信息”,“verify the identity of all parties”意为“验证交易各方的身份”,这两个短语在原文中都是用被动语态表示的,需要注意它们的用法。 Task Ⅱ Text Learning 4. As an important part of e-commerce security, security protocol built on the basis of cryptosystem is an interactive communication protocol. “asan important part of e-commerce security”意为“作为电子商务安全的一个重要组成部分”,“as”的含义是“作为”,引导的介词短语大多用作状语,少数情况可以用作并与补足语,例如:“As part of their tactics, the opposition will try to provoke us.”意为“反对派的策略之一就是要激怒我们”。 “built on the basis of cryptosystem”意为“建立在密码体制基础上”,过去分词短语替代了一个表示被动语态的定语从句,即“which is b


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