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Chapter 1 - The Context of Systems Analysis And Design Methods * Teaching Notes Structured Analysis and Design is old but still occasionally encountered Note that many other commercial methodologies and software tools exist based on these general methodologies Chapter 1 - The Context of Systems Analysis And Design Methods * Teaching Notes Different CASE tools may refer to their repository as a dictionary or encyclopedia. Some CASE tools maintain a repository at a project-by-project level. Others provide or integrate into a project-independent repository to promote sharing of models and specifications between projects. Most CASE tools interface with one or more ADEs to provide round-trip engineering that supports the full life cycle. Chapter 1 - The Context of Systems Analysis And Design Methods * Teaching Notes ADE is compatible with both model-driven and rapid application development methodologies. In contemporary literature, it is the basis for all RAD methodologies. Many ADEs provide links to a repository to support sharing of program code. Most ADEs either interface with one or more CASE tool repositories or they provide rudimentary CASE-like modeling tools within the ADE. This allows developers to integrate RAD and MDD techniques as was demonstrated in the first hybrid route presented earlier in the chapter. Chapter 1 - The Context of Systems Analysis And Design Methods * Conversion Notes Methodware is a new term with the 6th edition. Teaching Notes Examples of process and project management technology will be covered extensively in Chapter 4. 系统实施阶段 系统实施--构造、测试、安装和发布一个新系统投入运行 。 参与者--项目经理、系统分析员、系统用户、系统设计员(有时) 、系统构造员 典型任务-- 建造和测试网络 建造和测试数据库 安装和测试新软件包(若采用外部购买软件的开发方式) 编写和测试新程序(若采用内部编制软件的开发方式) 进行系统测试 准备转换计划 安装数据库 培训用户 转化到新系统 关键发布物--功能系统、运行系统 系统支持阶段 系统支持--是处理可能出现的错误或新的需求所需的维护工作。包括程序维护、系统恢复、技术支持和系统改进4类活动。 系统支持需要花费大量的时间和金钱,而本课程所介绍的系统分析与设计方法均是为了减少系统支持的费用。随着时间的推移,所有的系统都会老化,当支持不再合算时,系统就要退役了,这时也会启动新的系统开发项目来替换这个系统。 至此,一个完整的系统开发生命周期就展现在你的面前了! 瀑布模型 迭代开发 系统开发生命周期的变体 各阶段名


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