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I. Teaching aims and demands: Revise noun clauses. II. Teaching importance and difficulty: 1. Further learn about noun clauses. 2. What role these clauses play in the sentences. Task1: .Study the underlined noun clauses in the following sentences. What attracts people to California is its pleasure climate and relaxed lifestyle. This is why each year a great number of people from all over the world try to immigrate to California. However, most applicants know that they have very little chance of getting a visa. The fact that California is the most multicultural state in the USA is known to us all. 1. Subject clause (SC) 主语从句 2. Predicative clause (PC) 表语从句 3. Object clause (OC) 宾语从句 4. Appositive clause (AC) 同位语从句 Task3: What role do these noun clauses play in the sentences? A:( ) Whether they would support us was a problem. What we need is money. When we shall have our sports meeting hasn’t been decided yet. B: ( ) We believe that he is an honest man. I don’t know who you mean. He asked why Tom hadn’t come to school yesterday. C:( ) The question is whether the film is worth seeing. It is because I love you too much. The problem is how we can find him.. D: ( ) The news that he has passed the exam is surprising. He asked her the question whether they could be friend. The idea that we are going to go outing this Sunday is exciting. Task4: Let’s try Distinguish the different types of noun clauses. Write SC, OC, PC or AC. ( ) 1.What you have to do is to insert your credit cart in this machine. ( ) 2.Tell me which city you need to go to. ( ) 3.That’s where the celebration was held last year. ( ) 4.Can you tell me whether Tom is Chinese-American or not? ( ) 5.What she meant was clear enough. ( ) 6.The problem is that there is nowhere to go. ( ) 7.The idea that we should have a birthday party


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