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1.What can we know about the man? A) He is complaining about the weather. B) He is talking about his journey. C) He is comforting the woman. D) He is in an awful mood. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 对话中,女士说因为遇到了雨,自己的旅行很糟糕,男士说没什么,不要抱怨这小雨,由此可以推断出,男士所说是为了安慰女士,所以选C。 Script M: Madam, you stepped on my feet with your high heels. W: I am sorry, sir, but the bus is so crowded and it is rush hour. ?2.What is the woman doing? A) Denying the mans accusation. B) Requesting the man to make way for her. C) Complaining about the crowded bus. D) Excusing her impolite behavior. 正确答案为?D??你没有作答。 解析: 对话中,男士说女士的高跟鞋踩到了自己,女士说对不起,车太拥挤,现在是上下班高峰时间,由此可以得出,女士向男士道歉并为自己的行为申辩,所以选D。 Script W: Traditionally, British people are getting better at complaining about problems. What are they complaining about?now? M: Well, some people say?programs from TV encourage people to take action when things in the TV shows arent right. 3.What was mentioned that annoys British people? A) Newspaper. B) Book. C) TV programmes. D) Radio broadcast. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 对话中,女士问男士如今英国人正抱怨什么,男士说一些人说虽然电视中的东西不合理,但是节目却鼓励人们有所行动,由此可以得出,一些英国人在抱怨电视节目,所以选C。 Script M: How are you getting on with your essay, Mary? Im having a real hard time with mine. W: After two sleepless nights, Im finally through with it. ? 4.What do we learn from the conversation? A) The man thought the essay was easy to write. B) The woman had given up on her essay writing. C) Both speakers had a hard time writing the essay. D) Neither of the speakers had finished the essay yet. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 对话中,男士说自己在写论文时感到很困难,女士说在自己两个晚上没睡的情况下终于艰难地完成了论文,由此可以推断出,男士和女士在写论文时都遇到了困难,所以选C。 Script M: Halloween is around the corner. Have you got some ideas? W: How about a party? I havent seen the guys for months. Only one or two of them still drop me a line occasionally. ? 5.What do we learn about the speakers friends? A) They all like to have parties. B) They meet every few months. C) They are seldom in touch now. D) They often write to each other. 正确答案为?C?


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