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2015年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题     各位2016年考研的小伙伴们,欢迎大家来到才思教育,今天给大家着重的分析一下关于对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士MTI考研的相关内容。 百科知识 集约化 intensification 集约化经营 intensive management 集约经营 intensive operation 鸡仔文学 Chick lit. This Chinese phrase is a translation of the English term “Chick lit,” which refers to the kind of fiction created for young women, particularly single, working women in their twenties and thirties. 记账式国债 book-entry T-bonds 记账式国库券 inscribed treasury bond 记者席 press box 记者招待会 press conference 家政服务 household service 集中供暖 central heating (Beijings central heating is likely to be switched on early this winter, when the average temperature plunges below 5 C for five days consecutively or when a heavy snowfall or high wind hits the city. 如果平均气温连续5天低于5摄氏度,或遭遇暴雪、强风天气,北京市就将提前启动集中供暖。) 集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development 集装箱运输船  container freighter 集装运输 container shipping 集资 pool resources; collect money; raise funds; raise money 集资办学 raise money to set up new schools 集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers 甲A足球队 Division A soccer team 加班 overtime work 嘉宾 distinguished guest, honored guest 假唱 lip-synch 加长版 extended edition (In April, the 87-year-old Readers Digest, the most popular general interest magazine in the United States, published its first extended edition in China to enrich the content of the magazine with pictures and words. 四月份,美国最受欢迎的综合性人文杂志《读者文摘》在中国出版了第一辑加长版,用更多的图片和文字使杂志内容更丰富。《读者文摘》至今已经走过了87个春秋。) 假钞票 fake note; phony money; stumer 假动作 deception; feint; deception 价格波动 price fluctuation 价格操纵 price manipulation; price rigging 价格反弹 price rebound 价格浮动范围 price-float range 价格垄断 price-fixing (Illegal acts prohibited by the regulations include price-fixing agreements and excluding or limiting competition through abuse of dominant market share, according to the regulations. 根据该法规,签订限价协议以及滥用在市场的垄断地位来排除或限制竞争等违法行为将被禁止。) 价格欺诈 price cheating (Chen Zhijiang, an official at NDRC, said that in all the cities they investigated, Carrefour stores were suspected of


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