Analytical Modelling of Combined Slip and Sliding Modes in Contact Interaction of Two Spherical Grains.pdfVIP

Analytical Modelling of Combined Slip and Sliding Modes in Contact Interaction of Two Spherical Grains.pdf

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Analytical Modelling of Combined Slip and Sliding Modes in Contact Interaction of Two Spherical Grains.pdf

Available online at ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 75 – 82 Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques, MBMST 2016 Analytical modelling of combined slip and sliding modes in contact interaction of two spherical grains Robertas Balevi?iusa , Zenon Mrózb aDepartment of Reinforced and Masonry Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio av. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania bDepartment of Mechanics of Materials, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences, st. Pawińskiego 5b, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland Abstract The analytical modelling of coupled slip and sliding contact response of two elastic spheres is presented for the kinematically imposed sphere centre relative motion trajectories. One sphere is assumed as a fixed, the other translating along a specified trajectory and remaining in contact condition. Two cases are considered, the first is corresponding to a linear trajectory with the contact engagement in the combined slip-sliding mode, the other is related to the contact initiation by normal loading and subsequent motion along an inclined linear trajectory. The formulae and diagrams of the evolution of driving force along the sliding path in terms of main contact geometry parameters were analytically specified. Further extensions and applications of the analysis can be envisaged in the creation of the translation controlled apparatus for the measurements of friction and restitution coefficients for the pair of spherical grains. ?RubolbisehretadsbBy aEllesveiv?ieiursL,tZd.eTnhoins Mis arónzo.pPeunbalcischesesdabrtyicElelsuenvdieerrthLetdC.C BY-NC-ND license (PPheeteteprr-:r-/e/rcevrvieeiawetwivuenucdnoedmrermresorpenossnp.osorignb/silliiibctyeilnoistfyetsho/befyot-hrngeca-onnridzg/ia4nn.g0i/zc)io.nmgmciottmeemoifttMeeBoMf SMTB2M01S6T 2016. Keywords: soil, spherical grains contact interaction; slip and finite sliding modes; monotonic or reciprocal sliding; c



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