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摘 要 “知本经济时代”人力资源管理已经逐步深入人心,各种绩效管理手段被广泛地应用。随着时代的进步,人才知识水平的进一步提高,则在人力资源的管理方面又提出了新的要求。尤其对具有高知识水平、高专业技能水平的知识型员工进行有效管理将是未来管理中的难点,对其进行有效的绩效考核更是难中之难。纵观历史发展,以后的管理趋势将是除了规范标准化的管理外,更加多元化,人性化的管理。 现有的绩效考核方式和制度在进行绩效考核时总存在各种各样的问题,这其中既有公司方面的原因,也有员工方面的原因。尤其是对当前的知识性员工得管理往往不得法,在总结分析以往管理方法的优缺、利弊,并分析其各方面的影响因素后,在此,本文提出了由知识型员工与公司共同参与制定,双方达成共识的,松张有度的“时标绩效”管理模式。此管理模式让员工充分参与部门阶段目标或者单位的整个目标的制定及管理的全过程,并以员工自我挑战与自我实现为动力,通过集体的帮扶及个人的努力,最终如期实现既定目标,达到集体及个人均受益的双赢结果。 关键词:知本经济时代 知识型员工 绩效管理 时标绩效 ABSTRACT ZhiBen economy era human resources management has been gradually, all kinds of performance management is widely used. With the progress of The Times, to further improve knowledge level, in the human resources management aspects and puts forward new requirements. Especially for high level of knowledge and professional skill level of the knowledge-type employees will be the effective management of the difficulties of management of its effective performance appraisal is difficult in difficult. Throughout history, the development trend of management will be after except regulating the standardized management, more diversified and humanized management. The existing performance appraisal way and in the performance evaluation system of total exist problems of all kinds, including both companies reasons, also have employee causes. Especially for current knowledge staff administration shall, in often summarize management methods are, advantages and disadvantages, and analyzes the influence factors of various aspects, in this paper, a knowledge-based staff and the company by the participation, both sides agreed, zhang chi time-scale performance management mode. This management mode to staff fully participate in department or unit of phase target of the target and the management process, and to challenge self realization and staff for the power, through the collective and individual efforts to support, finally meet deadlines goals, collective and individual benefit win-win results. KeyWords:Chihpen economy


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