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第37 卷第7 期 通 信 学 报 Vol.37 No.7 2016 年7 月 Journal on Communications July 2016 doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2016130 5G 若干关键技术评述 张平,陶运铮,张治 (北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院,北京 100876 ) 摘 要:第五代移动通信网络(5G)目前得到了全球企业、研究院所和高校的广泛关注和大量研究。详细介绍和 总结了5G 的发展历程和国内外研究进展,分析了基于虚拟化的5G 网络架构。从无线传输、无线接入、网络这3 个角度,深入全面地介绍了 5G 潜在的关键技术及最新进展,包括大规模多天线、全双工、信道建模与信道编码 等,分析了其中一些关键技术的优缺点及未来可研究方向。最后,展望了5G 未来发展的重点任务及主要方向。 关键词:5G;网络架构;无线传输;无线接入;网络 中图分类号:TN929 文献标识码:A Survey of several key technologies for 5G ZHANG Ping, TAO Yun-zheng, ZHANG Zhi (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China) Abstract: The fifth-generation (5G) mobile communications system has got extensive attention and research by enter- prises, research institutes and universities of the world at present. The development history and domestic and abroad re- search progresses of 5G were described and summarized in detail. 5G network architecture based on virtualization were analyzed. From wireless transmission, wireless access and network perspectives, the potential key technologies of 5G, in- cluding massive MIMO, full-duplex, channel modeling, channel coding, etc. and their latest progress are introduced comprehensively and thoroughly. Some advantages, disadvantages and future research directions of some key technolo- gies are analyzed. At last, key tasks and main directions of the future development of 5G are prospected. Key words: 5G, network architecture, wireless transmission, wi


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