高中英语教学资料(缙云中学)汇编-unit 3 words.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料(缙云中学)汇编-unit 3 words.ppt

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Unit 3 Vocabulary Listening 3)(n) “目击者”、“证人” 她被传唤作被告证人。 She was called as a _______ _______ . * annual adj. 每年的 an _______ report ________ adv. migrate v. 迁移; 移往 __________ n. immigrate v. 移居入境 immigration n. ____________ n. (从外国来的)移民 annual annually migration immigrant Pioneers from New England ________ to all parts of the United States. These birds _______ northwards in spring and southwards in fall. migrated migrate accommodate 3. ____________ v. 供给住宿 accommodation n. 4. telescope n. microscope n. 5. flee – fled – fled “逃跑,逃避,逃离” depth (n) _____(adj.) deep /deeply (adv) ______ (v) long (adj.) → _______ (n) wide (adj) →_____ (n) wide/ widely (adv) height (n) → ______ (adj) sharp (adj) _______ (v) ________ 卷笔刀 reflect v. _________ n.反映,反射,思考 aware adj. ___________ n.意识 taste n. v. “品尝,尝起来,味道” _________ adj. 好吃的 scare v. n. _______ adj. 感到恐惧的 deep deepen length width high sharpen sharpener reflection awareness tasty scared witness 1) (vt ) “亲眼看到” Did you ________ the accident? defense witness witness opposite adj. 1). 相反的,对立的 2) 对面的 prep. 与……相对 adv. 在对面 oppose vt. 反对;抵抗 be opposed to… 反对 Her views and mine are completely_________ . They walked away in _________ directions. The store is _________ the station. Bruce is shy, while his wife is just_____________. We took seats __________ the interviewers. They ________ your going there alone. She is strongly ________ to their plan. opposite opposite opposite the opposite opposite to opposed opposed in the opposite direction (adj.)相反的方向 the house opposite = the opposite house 对面的房子 Her house is opposite to mine. (adj.) 她的房子在我的房子对面。 = Her house is opposite mine. ( prep.) He lives opposite. (adv.) High is the opposite of low


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