高中英语同课异构教学课件 Unit 5 Period 2.pptVIP

高中英语同课异构教学课件 Unit 5 Period 2.ppt

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12. break up 打碎; 分裂; 解体 【想一想?观察思考】 除此意外, break up还表示: 结束; 放假; 断交。 朗读下列句子, 并在其括号内填入break up的含义。 ①The ship broke up on the rocks.  ( ) ②The company has been broken up and sold off.  ( ) ③The meeting broke up after only half an hour.  ( ) 破碎 解体 结束 ④The young girl has just broken up with her boyfriend. ( ) ⑤It’s a pity that their marriage broke up. ( ) ⑥When do you break up for the Spring Festival?  ( ) 断交 分裂 放假 【记一记?知识延伸】 break down (机器等)出故障; (谈判等)失败, 不成功; (精神、健康)垮下来 break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生; 爆发 break in 强行闯入; 打断 break into 突然闯入; 突然开始…… break off 打断; 突然停止谈话; 断绝关系; 折断 break through 突破; 强行通过; 有重要发现 break away from 打破; 脱离 【练一练?活学活用】 12. 用break短语填空。 ①My car ___________on my way home. ②A big fire _________in that building last night. ③The branch suddenly ________and fell down to the ground. ④A thief ________and robbed the old man of his money. ⑤They decided to ________ the partnership. broke down broke out broke off broke in break up ②(2014·张掖高一检测)The local government   great importance to the environment protection. A. attaches     B. pays C. expresses D. applies 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 当地政府非常重视环境保护。attach importance to认为有重要性、意义; pay付款; express表达; apply. . . to. . . 把……应用到……。 6. form vt. (使)组成; 形成; 构成 【想一想?观察思考】 I think swimming is the best form of exercise. 我认为游泳是最好的锻炼形式。 Please fill in the form in ink. 请用钢笔填写表格。 As we all know, churches are often built in the form of a cross. 众所周知, 教堂往往被建成十字形。 The band is formed of three boys and three girls, including two Chinese. 这个乐队由三个男孩和三个女孩组成, 其中包括两名中国人。 He has formed the habit of taking notes in class. 他已经养成了上课做笔记的习惯。 【填一填?自我归纳】 ①form除了动词以外, 也可作名词, 意为“_______________” ②____________ 以……的形式 ③___________ 由……组成 ④_______________ 养成……的习惯 形式; 外形; 表格 in the form of be formed of form the habit of 【看一看?巧学助记】形同意不同的“form” I have formed the habit of filling in the form correctly. 我


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