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基于通用控制平台的虚拟控制对象设计 摘 要本对的深入研究,提出了一种并对硬件配置和进行了全面的设计。关键词: ABSTRACT This paper based on virtual control technology applied research, put forward a kind of universal control platform based on virtual control object design.And the universal control platform hardware configuration and control object of the realization methods of the comprehensive design. This paper gives the platform from overall design scheme, and expounds scheme formation from control engineering simulation angle. The platform hardware circuit modules are designed in the paper and roughly every module is designed from main indexs, structures,design principles and other several aspects. On the basis of fully understanding signal features of processing control occasions, simulation and measurement needs, using analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology and single-chip microcomputer interface technology and other knowledge, and design all kinds of circuit parts,for example, multi-channel analog input module, multi-channel analog output module, multi-channel digital input module, multi-channel digital output module,,multi-type communication module, man-machine interface module, power module and so on. Based on the hardware platform, selecting the electronic clock and reservoir supervisory control system as a typical control object to simulate. The paper summarizes the composition structure and control elements. In order to simulate the control process on hardware platform in laboratory, designing the controller, the control object and computer to constitute a complete set of simulation system,carries out research of the simulation algorithm and control algorithm, and development of application simulation software. Based on the universal control platform based on virtual object of control design, convenient to be able to simulate a variety of real control objects in the working process, the historical curve etc.., need not take complex physical models, without access to the faciliti


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