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毕业设计 天车吊钩防摆控制器设计 摘 要 吊物的摆动是影响吊车装卸效率的主要原因。电子防摇作为一种主动防摇方式,它将减摇和运行控制结合起来考虑,不依赖于司机的操作经验,可以有效的提高吊车的装卸效率,减轻司机的工作强度,是实现港口、厂矿装卸自动化的趋势。 本文首先建立了桥式吊车运动系统的数学模型,并搭建了系统的仿真实验模型,设计了双闭环PID控制器来实现吊车系统的防摆和定位控制。针对常规PID控制器很难满足桥式吊车这类控制参数变化很大的复杂系统对控制精度的要求,设计了非线性PID控制器(即PID参数随误差的变化而变化),该控制方案可以消除系统静差,缩短系统响应时间,抗干扰能力较强。运用增量型PID控制算法对PID控制策略进行了数字实现。 本系统实现了, Abstract Generally speaking, the loading efficiency of crane is mainly influenced by swing of hanging objects. As an active method for avoiding swing, electronic anti-swing is not dependent on the driver’s experience and can combine swing-decreasing with movement-control to improve the efficiency of crane, and lighten the intensity of drivers. Therefore, it will be used widely for loading of port and factory. In this thesis, the mathematical model of the overhead crane motion system is established and the simulation model is also built . The two closed-loop PID controller is designed to achieve the control of anti-swing and orientation. Comparing with the controlling results of using conventional PID algorithm as a controller on different disturbance conditions, we can find that it is difficult to meet the accuracy requirements of the practical operation of crane system which has easily variable control parameters in the process of running. So we design the nonlinear PID whose variable parameters change with error. The results of simulation indicate that the steady-state error can be eliminated, and the response time of system can be shortened, in addition, the disturbance rejection ability of system can be strengthened. Then, we complish the digital realization of PID control strategy with increment PID control algorithm. This system has realized the crane hook is not swinging the purpose of arriving at our destination, make lifting heavy weights in got to the designated place, pendulum Angle is zero. Avoiding the homework, as into unnecessary accidents. Key Words:Overhead crane;Anti-swing;Nonlinear PID 1 1.1 课题的背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1


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