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* Chapter 8 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8-5. FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL (p.143) 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) (1) The wings for Dispersal: fruit wings and seed wings Fruits and seeds have a variety of adaptations for wind dispersal (Fig. 8.22). The samara翅果 of a maple has a curved wing that causes the fruit to spin旋转 as it is released from the tree. In a brisk wind疾风 , samaras may be carried up to 10 kilometers (6 miles) away from their source, although usually most are relatively evenly distributed within a few meters of the tree. Chapter 8 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8-5. FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL (p.143) 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) (1) The wings for Dispersal: fruit wings and seed wings 枫杨 Pterocarya stenoptera DC胡桃科 Chapter 8 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8-5. FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL (p.143) 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) (1) The wings for Dispersal (2) The hairs of fruits and seeds for Dispersal 白头翁(Pulsatilla chinensis(Bge.)Regel.)果实上带有宿存的羽状柱头 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) (1) The wings for Dispersal (2) The hairs for Dispersal (3) Roller滚筒 plants: tumbleweeds风滚草 p.144 In tumble mustard芥菜and other tumbleweeds, the whole aboveground portion of the plant may abscise切除(separate from the root) and be blown away by the wind, releasing seeds as it bumps撞 along. Tumbleweed is a genus of herbs, subshrubs, shrubs and small trees in the family Amaranthaceae广布苋,风滚草:多种枝条茂密的一年生植物中的一种,如苋和细叶钾猪毛菜,在植物生长期的末期,从根部脱离,被风吹动,在田野里滚动(amaranth苋 family - Family Amaranthaceae) Chapter 8 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8-5. FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL (p.143) 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) 2. Dispersal by Animals (1) Animals eat fruits ---- Fleshy fruits (Drupe核果, Berry浆果, Pome梨果); Video Chapter 8 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8-5. FRUIT AND SEED DISPERSAL (p.143) 1. Dispersal by Wind (143-144) 2. Dispersal by Animals (2) Animals eat seeds ( Active) Oily appendage, elaiosome ( fleshy elaiosome 油质体on seed) a food bait诱饵 that ants take back to the nest, eat and ‘plant


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