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逻辑与翻译 例子:Jefferson refused to accept other people’s opinions without careful thought. 原译:杰斐逊没有认真考虑,就拒绝了别人的意见。 改译1:只有经过认真思考,杰斐逊才接受别人的意见。 改译2:未经认真考虑,杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。 肯定与否定: 例子1:Some friend you are. You won’t lend me a shilling. 你真不够朋友,连一先令都不肯借。 例子2:I am enough of a German to give them to go-by. 我是德国人,我可不愿理睬他们。 例子3:In the vestibule was an electric button from which no moral finger could coax Ting. 过道里有个电铃,鬼才能把它按响。 单数与复数 例1:I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. 我想试试在座诸位到底有多大克制力。 例2:Different men often see the same subjects in different lights. 不同的人往往以不同眼光看同一问题。 大与小 例:The stockholders entered suit, and Rubinstem hired a small army of lawyers. 股东们提出诉讼,鲁宾斯坦便雇了一大群律师来辩护。 小汽车、小洋房?small carcompact car; sub-compact car 里与外 例:Robinson stepped into the cave and saw eyes glaring out of the darkness. 鲁宾逊进到洞里,看见一对眼睛在黑暗里闪闪发光。 前与后 例1:But we are getting ahead of the story. 不过我说到故事后头去了。 例2:After you. 请先走。/请走在前面。 静与动 例1:The whole city is in holiday array. 全城披上节日盛装。 例2:The magistrates sat six days a week at the court. 该法庭的理事们一星期开庭6天。 例3:This is an article that carries conviction. 这是一篇有说服力的文章。 例4:National Day falls on Friday this year.?今年的国庆节是一个礼拜五。 More examples: 例1:I’m in good health now and I can resume my work. 我现在身体很好,(因此)可以继续工作。 --so that 例2:--“You haven’t finished your homework, have you?” --The student shook his head and said, “No, I have not.” 学生点点头并说“是的,还没有”。 例3:They had barely enough time to catch the train. 原译:他们仅有足够的时间赶上火车。 改译:他们差点儿没赶上火车。 例4:We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood, for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged. 原译:我们想他们一定给上涨的洪水吓坏了,因为他们的房子基础坚实,即使快遭淹没了,也会屹立不倒的。 改译:我们认为,他们对上涨的洪水过于担忧,因为他们的房子地基坚固,即使差不多被洪水淹没,也不会倒塌。 Keep dry! 谨防潮湿! Wet paint! 油漆未干! Hunger march 反饥饿游行 Did I get your address right? 我没有弄错你的地址吧? Make yourself at home. 请不要客气。 西方人理性思维,东方人直觉思维。“东方人见到了统一忽视了区别,西方人见到了区别遗忘了统一。”(费尔巴哈) 汉语重意合parataxis,一盆散葡萄;英语重形合hypotaxis,一串葡萄。 英



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