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房屋出租的常用句子 据360教育集团介绍:中介租房询问常用的句子: Hi! Welcome to Rental Property Management. How may I help you? 您好! 欢迎来租房中心,我能为您做什么吗? What kind of apartment are you interested in? 你对哪种公寓感兴趣? I‘m interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. 我想租一间两居室。 I’m looking for a two-bedroom apartment. 我想租一个两居室公寓。 I‘m looking for an apartment. 我想租一套公寓。 I want to rent an apartment. 我要租一套公寓。 I’d like to share a flat with a girl. 我想与一个女孩合住一套公寓。 I want to share an apartment with a female. 我想和一位女性合租一套公寓。 Okay. Take a seat, one of our rental agents will be with you in a moment. 没问题。请坐,一会儿我们的代理人就会与你接洽。 What price range were you interested in? 您想要多少钱范围内的呢? Somewhere between $400-$450 a month. 400-450美元一个月吧。 Okay. Did you have a specific location in mind? 好的,那地理位置呢? Well, I would like to live somewhere near the university. Or at least on a bus line. 嗯,离大学近一点的,至少要距离公交车很近。 When do you need it? 你什么时候需要呢? Sometime around next week. 下周吧。 Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你是想找一间有家具的房子吗? Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished house? 你想要带家具的还是不带家具的? Are there any other amenities which you would like to have? For example, a dishwasher, a balcony, a swimming pool or central air conditioning? 有什么其他设施需要吗? 比如:洗衣机、阳台、游泳池或者中央空调? I would definitely like to have them. 我全要。 Is that apartment furnished? 那栋房子里有家具吗? It has all the furniture necessary for daily use. 日常用的家具都有。 Here are photos of the apartments we have available which fit your preferences. 这是我们这里提供的房屋图片,您可以选择喜欢的。 Would you please show me the floor plan of this house? 你可以让我看看这间房子的平面布置图吗? Dose the back door have a lock on it? 后门有锁吗? This one looks nice. I would like to see that one. 这个看起来不错,我想去看看。 When would you like to see it? 你什么时候去看看? When do you think is convenient to see the room? 你认为什么时候看房方便? Let me get the key and we will go look at it. 让我取钥匙咱们去看看。 看房及描述房子常用的句子: I‘ve been told you might have a vacant room 听说你有空房间 I’m looking for a room 我正在找房间租 Yes, I have a spare room 是的,我有一间空房 I‘ve got a small room 我有一间小房子 What can you tell me about t


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