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摘要 从民事诉讼中的执业环境来看,律师的处境不容乐观,律师社会地位令人堪忧,加上我国在传统观念里对于律师这个职业就存在诸多误解,律师的形象成了一个唯利是图、搬弄是非的负面形象。这对律师行业形成了比较大的影响,直接导致律师执业环境的恶化,律师没有得到足够的尊重。律师在民事诉讼中的角色过于商业化,唯利是瞻,过度商业化会扭曲律师应有的品格,甚至从根本上影响律师对社会的价值。如果律师执业的首要目的不是为社会大众提供法律服务,而是利用自己娴熟的知识储备追求自身的财富和更高要求的物质生活,从而导致社会大众对律师产生反感,甚至是厌恶。律师作为法律人,律师这一角色更是不可或缺,重塑律师的形象,提高律师的地位和作用,维护律师的固有品格,实属必要。专业的法律服务存在与发展的根本价值在于让公众普遍遵守法律,让法律成为一种信仰,让法治成为一种生活方式。笔者认为,长远来看,我们是应该遏制律师在民事诉讼中的角色过于商业化的倾向的。律师作为法律人所应该有的公平正义之心。不论是国内的还是国际的法律服务,中国律师都应该恪守法律的中立信誉。法律的品质在于公平正义,法律的本质规定律师即使存在利益的关联也必须保持法律的中立信誉,这是律师之所以成为法律工作者的核心品格和能力,唯有如此方能巩固信任,避免信任危机。法律的信任度是律师各种能力的重要纽带,法律信任度,是贯穿律师司法能力的各个方面正是因为人性存在致命的弱点,所以必须借助法律作为公正的媒介超越人性的弱点建立新的高度的信任。律师与被代理人之间必须保持适度的距离,因此律师不必事事听从被代理人的旨意,律师必须保持自己的独立性,独立于当事人。律师所追求的信任度是法律的信任度,不是直接来自委托人信任度。当律师的信任度稳定在一个较高的水平,并且在国内业务和国际业务都有影响力,中国律师的崛起时代,才真正到来了。 Abstract Our lawyers in the civil litigation practice environment is not optimistic, lawyers and social status is still not enough, and in China in the traditional concept for a career as a lawyer exists many misunderstandings, the image of lawyers became a mercenary, gossip of the negative image. This formed a relatively large impact on the lawyer industry, led directly to the deterioration of the legal profession, lawyers have not been respected enough. The role of lawyers in the civil litigation is too commercialized, the only benefit is looking, excessive commercialization hand will distort the development direction of the legal profession, on the other hand will fundamentally affect the lawyer for the social value. If the primary purpose of the lawyers practice is not to provide legal services for the public, by virtue of their own knowledge of the law to maximize their own interests, which led to the community of lawyers generally do not have a good impression. Lawyers as a legal person, especially in the construction of the rule of law today, the role of lawyers is not an alternative, to reshape the status and role of lawyers, it is necessary. For the community to provide legal professional services is th


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