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1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1. 2. 250kg 500kg 100083 100083 250kg 500 kg / 167.0 341.1MPa 9.2 MPa/4.8 MPa 250kg 0.43m 17.2 MPa/12.5 MPa 500kg 2.54 3.49 Numerical Simulation of Orepass Choking-up Treatment Adopting Blasting Method YANG Ren-shu1,2, JIANG Lin-lin1,2 , GUO Dong-ming1,2, YUE Zhong-wen1,2 (1.Department of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083 2. State Key Lab of Coal Resources and Mine Safety, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083) Abstract: Numerical simulation studies on blasting in ore-pass with charge both 250 kg and 500 kg were carried out. Adopting fluid-solid coupling method, the whole process from detonating to shockwave transference in the ore-pass reappeared. The air shockwave’s attenuation, chocking-up surface stress and close ore-wall press were analyzed. The results show that the biggest stress of ore-wall happened at 0.43m height, and the press stresses are 167.0MPa (250kg) and 341.1MPa (500kg). The choking-up zone’s stress state from center to edge represents transition from press to strain stress, and the strain/press stress peak values are 9.2 /4.8 MPa(250kg) and17.2 /12.5 MPa (500kg). The shockwave’s attenuation values got from both experiential formula and simulation were compared, the experiential formula values were 2.54~3.49 times of the simulation values. Key words: ore pass chocking-up; fluid-solid coupling; shockwave attenuation; numerical simulation [1] (1963 ) kimjll99@ 248 E-mail , [2] 3000kg 1200kg 17 100m 1 1.1 [4] ANSYS/LS-DYNA Navier-Stocks ?u ?t + u ? ?u ? 2v F ? ?ε (u) + ?p = b ?u = 0 σ = ? pl + 2v Fε (u) ε (u) = 1 2 (?u + (?u)T ) ALE Xi v ALE ?f (X i ,t) ?t = ?f (xi ,t) ?t + wi ?f (xi ,t) ?xi xi u wi w=v-u ?ρ ?t = ?ρ ?vi ?xi ? wi ?ρ ?xi v ?vi ?t = σ ij, j + ρbi ? ρwi ?vi ?x j ρ ?E ?t = σ ij vi, j + ρbi vi ? ρw j ?E ?x j 249 2 [3] 5 250kg 500kg ALE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ALE 1.2 100m 2.7m 0.43m 0.86m 500kg 10 s 0.5s 1/4 1 0.55m 5ms 1.05m 250kg 500kg 250kg 640 s 1 250kg


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