duty report - 十万个冷笑话.pptx

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duty report - 十万个冷笑话

DUTY REPORT 9-18-2013 Today I will talk about a carton filled with crazy happiness. For I think, although our lives are tiring and full of hardness, we still need to and must to search for happiness so that we get the will to live bettter. I believe that live is always fantastic. So, let’s begin.. Yeah u are right, today I want to talk about this cartoon, One hundred thousand cold jokes. Made according to a cartoon of the same name, One hundred thousand cold jokes became popular quickly after published at YouYaoQi and has won many prizes in the next few months. Darwn by Han Wu, the cartoon the One hundred thousand cold jokes are separated into three parts : Nezha Fulu End of the world Pinocchio Different from the caricature, there are no connection betweenthese three parts a . . . . . . 1st –part of the NEZHA The most wonderful part in this cartoon, Mainly developed by spoof some characters in the traditional fairy tale. 1st –part of the NEZHA Ni Jing must be 空手接白刃 a tragedy, will, I mean, a cup main character Ne Zha En, just like what the pic shows, hehe main charactyer Li Jing’s wife Good soy sauce (酱油) Master. too two(太2真人) Very tallent? Wang II Servant singer BACK . . 2nd –part of the Fu Lu The part I like best. Base on the famous Chinese story Calabash Brothers (葫芦兄弟),but a totally different feeling.So well. Liu Wa is vey 有爱(I can’t find a suitable explain in English) 1、2、3、4、5、6、7Wa So strong that all of they were PUGAI (扑街) 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28Wa hehe… … The combine of those six bothers 官配 with the Snake essence 2nd –part of the Fu Lu Snake essence Please call her The Queen !!! a complete anthomaniac (花痴) 2nd –part of the Fu Lu other characters such like … … This… … This… … This… … This… … This… … BACK . . 3rd –part of the End of the world 4th –part of the Pinocchio OK,maybe that’s all still, live must be happy Thank u for your listen On


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