uml课件Lect4-Grad-OO-Chapter3-classes and objects-2.ppt

uml课件Lect4-Grad-OO-Chapter3-classes and objects-2.ppt

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uml课件Lect4-Grad-OO-Chapter3-classes and objects-2

Lecture 4. Classes and Objects-2 内容提要: Relationships among Classes (类之间的关系) (Grady Booch Book, 3.4) The Interplay of Classes and Objects (类与对象的相互作用 ) (Grady Booch Book, 3.5) On Building Quality Classes and Objects (创建高质量的类与对象) (Grady Booch Book, 3.6) 1. Relationships Among Classes 研究类之间的关系:花的例子 Consider the relationships among the following classes of objects: flowers, daisies, red roses, yellow roses, petals, and ladybugs. 经过观察,发现如下关系 We can make the following observations. A daisy (雏菊) is a kind of flower; A rose is a (different) kind of flower; Red roses and yellow roses are both kinds of roses; A petal is a part of both kinds of flowers; Ladybugs eat certain pests such as aphids, which may be infesting certain kinds of flowers. 建立类之间关系的两个依据 The key abstractions are usually related in some ways, forming the class structure of our design. 依据1:共享 A class relationship might indicate some sort of sharing, e.g., daisies and roses are both kinds of flowers, meaning that both have brightly colored petals. 依据2:语义连接 A class relationship might indicate some kind of semantic connection. red roses and yellow roses are more alike than are daisies and roses, and daisies and roses are more closely related than are petals and flowers. 三种基本的类之间的关系 “is-a”关系: Generalization/specialization, denoting an “is a” relationship. a rose is a kind of flower, meaning that a rose is a specialized subclass of the more general class, flower. 整体-部分关系: Whole/part, which denotes a “part of” relationship. A petal is not a kind of a flower; it is a part of a flower. 关联关系: Association, which denotes some semantic dependency among otherwise unrelated classes, such as between ladybugs and flowers. Association 关联关系是3种关系中最弱的关系;Of these different kinds of class relationships, associations are the most general but also the most semantically weak. 分析与设计的早期决定关联关系 The identification of associations among classes is often an activity of analysis


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