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完成句子中的翻译陷阱 语义联想不一致 The Changjiang River is ______________________________ (最长的河流) in china. (other) They hurried up to the cinema, _________________________ (结果被告知) the film star has gone. _______________________________ (因为没有太多经验), the new postgraduates are so easily taken in by some cheats in society. ( have ) The boss _________________________ (拍他的后背)and told him something secret. (pat) When asked ____________________________ (如何起火) , Tom said he was not present when the fire started. ( break ) How long do you think _____________________________ (多久之后) the Chinese people land on the moon? ( it ) _________________________ (尽管他还是个孩子), he knows a lot. I ___________________________ (会感激你) if you help me out. ( appreciate ) Come and see me when _______________________ (你方便的时候). ( convenient) I’m afraid you won’t ________________________________ (有时间换衣服) before the party. ( get ) He finds it hard ____________________________ (让别人明白自己) . ( make) I have never heard a sweeter voice. Hardly had he reached the house ______________________________ (天开始下雨). ( begin ) The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time ______________________________ (然后情况才会好转). ( improve ) I think you should find out ___________________________ ( 你失败在哪) and then correct it. ( lie ) I would rather ____________________________ (你能帮助我) . ( hand ) It is _________________ (我无法理解) why she married such a heavy smoker. ( beyond ) 词性误用 They have come to realize that ____________________________ (很有价值) to keep their original language. ( value ) I consider _______________________________ (很重要) to keep our culture alive. ( importance) The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything ___________________________ (我以前曾经喝过的). (have) It _______________________________ (突然开始下雨). (sudden) You must show the gentleman in _____________________________ (他一来). (immediately) ____________________ (多么有趣) to swim in the pool in hot weather after a day’s hard work!


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