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Translate the following sentences into English and tell what tense is used in each sentences: 1. 明朝和清朝的皇帝曾住在故宫,但它在1925年的时候被变成了博物馆。 The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live in the Palace Museum. But ________________________ in 1925. (it表示:________________) it was turned into a museum the Palace Museum Translate the following sentences into English and tell what tense is used in each sentences: 2. 有这么多形状不寻常的岩石真是神奇。 ______________ that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes. (it表示:_________________) It is amazing that 从句的内容 3. 租一辆自行车,骑着它环游乡村也很受欢迎。 _____________________ a bike and ride around the countryside. (it表示:_____________________________________) 4. 从我家到学校大约3公里。 _____________________ from my home to my school, (it表示:_____) It’s also popular to hire hire a bike and ride around the countryside It is about 3 kilometres 距离 Uses of it 用法一 Using it as a pronoun 用法二 Using it as an impersonal pronoun 用法三 Using it as to replace the real subject or object Using it as a pronoun (1) We use it for animals and lifeless things. e.g. Look at the panda. It is so small. Another famous attraction is the Great Wall. It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across the northern China. (2)We use it for a young child when we do not know whether it is a girl or a boy. e.g. My aunt will have a baby soon. She hopes it will be a girl. Look at that cute baby over there! It is a boy, isn’t it? (3)We use it for an unknown person. e.g. — Who was calling you on the phone just now? — It was my cousin. (4) We use it for an action, a situation or an idea mentioned in a previous statement. e.g. Reading around the countryside is popular in Guilin, isn’t it? Tourists like to take a boat trip along the Lijiang River. It is great fun. The exchange students visited the Summer Palace yesterday. Kevin is writing about it. Read the passage below and find out what each it refers to. Write your answers in the blanks. Yest



