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*Six Sigma Training T R A I N I N G C O N S U L T I N G Six Sigma Training S O F T W A R E Champion Training Catapult Exercise Hook Position Cup Position (Peg Position) Ball Current Situation Product Development has designed a new catapult and it’s been delivered to the field without much input from the army’s catapult crew commander (design thrown over the moat). The target for the catapult can range anywhere from 36” to 120” depending on where the castles are located. The tolerance is +/- 6. Setup: One rubber band, C-Clamp, Tape Measure Ball and Catapult. Tape Measure 120” C-clamp Catapult Workshop Plan Measurement Phase Measurement System Variation Analysis Phase Process Map Key Input, Output and Noise Variables Cause Effect Diagram / Matrix Failure Mode Effects Analysis Improvement Phase Screening Characterization DOE`s Pareto of Significant Factors DOE Prediction Model Control Phase Capability Study (3 Shooters with 10 shots each) Catapult Crew Commander Data Collectors / Observers Shooter(s) Data Analyzer - All Roles for Catapult Workshop Workshop #1 Process Map Develop Process Map Define KPIV`s and KPOV`s on a Process Map Determine Key Controllable and Noise Input Variables Workshop #2 Cause Effect Matrix / Diagram Develop a Cause Effect Matrix for In-Flight Distance, Precision of Aim, Trajectory and Repeatability Develop a Cause Effect Diagram for In-Flight Distance Develop a Failure Mode Effects Analysis Identify Potential Key Process Input and Output Variables Workshop #3 Measurement System Study Designate three observers to view the catapult range. Shoot 2 balls at each of 5 Catapult setups to get a feel for the process variables and observer variation. Each observer will record the distance observed for each ball, but will not share the results until the end of the study. Using the flip chart, record each observers distances for each shot. Complete the Gage study. Remember to fill in the


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