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昨天碰见老张,说老婆病了,住了院,要陪床,下周不能上班。 Yesterday meet Lao Zhang, say wife ill, hospitalized, need take care of (her), can’t work next week. When I met Lao Zhang yesterday, he said that his wife was ill and hospitalized. He needed to take care of her so he could not go to work the next week. Contrast of Chinese and English Sentences English 1) Detached and independent 2) Compact: S+V structures 3) Hypotactic: subordination of one clause to another Chinese 1) No clear dividing line in between 2) Diffusive, water-flowing or verb sentences 3) Paratactic: without indication of coordination or subordination 第一,英语由于有形态上的变化,又强调主谓一致,因此句界分明;而汉语没有形态变化,由于强调按照时间和事理顺序横向排列,所以断句不严。 第二,英语每个句子基本上都以主语-动词为结构主干,以谓语动词为核心组成空间搭架;而汉语强调时间顺序和事理排列。 第三,英文重形合(hypotaxis),有丰富的连接手段,不仅有形态变化,有连词和介词,还有关系代词、关系副词、不定式、分词和动名词,可以构成无数的短语,表达各种语法关系;而汉语重意合(parataxis),没有形态变化,没有非谓语动词形式,更没有关系代词和关系副词,尽管也有一些连词和介词,但数量较少,使用也不如英语频繁。 下周不能上班can’t work next week. 要陪床 need take care of (her ), 住了院 hospitalized, 说老婆病了 say wife ill, 昨天碰见老张Yesterday meet Lao Zhang, his wife was ill When I met Lao Zhang yesterday, …that said he and hospitalized. E-C: During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. 在她大四的那个寒假期间,当她正在暴风雨中驾驶时,她的汽车冲出了那段公路,并且撞上了一棵树。 大四放寒假,她开车遇到了暴风雨,车子冲出公路,撞到了树上。 C-E 我是一个外地来京的打工仔,工作单位离我住的地方不远,可要倒两趟车,为节省开销,我买了一辆仿山地的自行车。 I am not from Beijing but I am working in the city. My work place is not far from where I stay, but I have to change buses twice to get there. To save the bus fare, I bought a bike that looked like a mountain bike. From English to Chinese ? When I met Lao Zhang yesterday, he said that his wife was ill and hospitalized. 昨天碰见老张,说老婆病了,住了院。 From Chinese to English 昨天碰见老张,说老婆病了,住了院,要陪床,下周不能上班。 昨天碰见老张,说老婆病了,住了院, 要陪床,下周不能上班。


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