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They walked off,leaving me sitting there all by myself. 他们走了,让我一个人孤零零地坐在那里。 Her narrow escape left her feeling shaken. 她险些丧命,事后仍感到心有余悸。(朗文P862) Unit 6 11.Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth. A.run B.running C.being run D.to run 解析:选B。考查leave的复合结构。句意:在你刷牙时,不要让水不停地流着。此处,the water与run构成主动关系,故用现在分词作补语。 Unit 6 12.On hearing the news,the girl rushed out without hesitation,________the luggage________on the floor and________in the dark. A.left;lied;disappeared B.leaving;lying;disappeared C.leaving;lie;disappeared D.left;lay;disappear Unit 6 解析:选B。第一空用leaving作伴随状语;第二空用lying,是现在分词作宾补,luggage与lie之间存在主动关系;第三空是并列谓语动词,与rushed是并列关系。故选B。 Unit 6 点击进入 课时活页训练 点击进入 (2)He is a distinguished________(scholar)in the field.Twenty years ago,he won a________(scholar) to study at Beijing University. 解析:句意:他是这一领域卓越的学者。二十年前他获得了奖学金,得以在北京大学求学。 答案:scholar;scholarship Unit 6 归纳与比较:n./adj.+ship→n. 后缀-ship n./adj.(名词/形容词) n.(名词=名词/形容词+ship) 后缀-ship(1)表示状态,性质,品质 (2)地位,资格,职位 hard (adj.艰苦的) hardship (n.艰难,困苦) scholar (n.学者) scholarship (n.奖学金;学问) champion (n.冠军) championship (n.冠军称号) friend (n.朋友) friendship (n.友谊) Unit 6 后缀-ship(1)表示状态,性质,品质 (2)地位,资格,职位 owner (n.主人) ownership (n.所有权;物主身份) leader (n.领导者) leadership (n.领导;领导地位) citizen (n.公民) citizenship (n.公民资格;公民身份) professor (n.教授) professorship (n.教授资格;教授的职位) 后缀-ship n./adj.(名词/形容词) n.(名词=名词/形容词+ship) Unit 6 6. fix one’s eyes on/upon注视,凝视 fix one’s attention on/upon集中某人的注意力于…… keep an eye on照看,照管;密切注视着 have an eye for...对……有判断力 open one’s eyes to...使某人看清 close/shut one’s eyes to不理会 look sb.in the eye直视某人,正视某人 短语扫描 线连线 Unit 6 Please keep an eye on the baby. 请照看一下这个婴儿。 Thousands of eyes were fixed on Beijing in 2008. 在2008年千万双眼睛关注着北京。 I won’t be able to look him in the eye if I lie. 我要是撒谎,我就不能直视他的眼睛。 Unit 6 6.Tom sat in class with his eyes________on the flowers outside the window. A.fixing B.fixed C.looking D.looked 解析:选B。在with引导的独立结构中fix与eyes是动宾关系,所以用过去分


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