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劳动合同 Labor Contract  甲方: 乙方(职工): Party A: Party B (Employee): 地址: 姓名: Address: Name:  法定代表人(主要负责人): 身份证号码: Legal Representative (main responsible person): ID Card No.: 经济类型: 户籍地址: Economic Type: Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan Registered Permanent Residence: 联系人: 通讯地址: Contact Person: Communication Address:  联系电话: 联系电话: Telephone: Telephone:   甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)和国家、省市的有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿,协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Labor Contract Law”) as well as relevant provisions of the state, province and city, and on basis of the principles of lawfulness, fairness, voluntariness, negotiations, honesty and good faith, Party A and Party B conclude this Contract.  第一条 合同期限与试用期 Article 1 Contract Term and Probation (一) 本合同期限类型为固定期限劳动合同。 I. This Contract is a fixed term labor contract. 1、双方合同期从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。 1. The contract term is from _________ (day/month/year) to ______ (day/month/year). 2 、若乙方在甲方的实际工作时间与合同约定起始时间不一致的,以实际工作时间为本合同实际起始时间。 2. If Party B’s actual working time in Party A is not consistent with the commencing time agreed in this Contract, the commencing time should be calculated on basis of the actual working time. (二)自本合同生效之日起,从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日为试用期。试用期为 个月。在试用期内,甲方认为乙方不符合录用条件的,向乙方说明理由后解除劳动合同。乙方在试用期内出现下列情形之一的,即为不符合录用条件: II. Since the effective date of this Contract, the probation period shall be from ____________ (day/month/year) to ___________ (day/month/year), which is ___ month(s). Within the probation period, if Party A considers that Party B is not qualified, Party A may cancel the labor contract after explaining the reason to Party B. Party B should be treated as unqualified under either of the


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